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    Home Design,  Housing,  Real Estate General

    5 Home Staging Tips For New Real Estate Agents

    For some homeowners preparing to sell their properties, the process of staging their homes may seem counterintuitive—they may wonder why they should spend extra money on real estate costs related to fixing up a property that they’re leaving. It’s a professional real estate agent’s job to explain to home sellers how staging their homes can generate more money for a home sale. There’s evidence that staging real estate is a worthwhile effort. Data shows that, on average, staged homes not only sell an estimated 88 percent faster than non-staged homes, but they also sell for 20 percent more. Staging a home might be even more critical this year compared to the…

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    Housing,  Investing

    Using Your Home as Collateral: How to Make Sure You Get the Most Out of Your Home

    Your house is undoubtedly your home, but it’s also your most important financial asset. As such, it’s incredibly important for you to understand all of the ways in which you can leverage your home, and its financial value, to your benefit. Thinking of your home as a primary vehicle of leverage may take a fundamental shift in thinking, but this new vision of your home’s financial value will help you immensely. This is particularly true when approaching renovations projects, or shifting your investment profile in order to introduce high return real estate ventures.     Finding projects worth financing.   While your home may represent an incredibly valuable asset, that value…

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    Housing,  Investing,  Lifestyle,  Real Estate General

    California Fires Force Some Churches To Move: Starting Over In The Wake Of Tragedy

    The forest fires spreading across our Pacific Northwest region have put countless lives in danger and will destroy an estimated $20 billion in a property. As our communities reel from the devastation that these natural disasters have caused on top of the lockdown measures we have endured in order to stem the transmission of the coronavirus, it’s important to start thinking about how we will rebuild in the wake of tragedy. Starting over is a whole community effort. Many of your parishioners have likely suffered as a result of these overlapping hardships, so rebuilding the church is more than just a focus on structural damage. Repair the soul of your community.…

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    Real Estate General

    4 Home Renovations That Can Make Or Break Your Sale

    Homeowners across the country are always on the lookout for additions that add value to their properties so that when it comes time to sell they can take advantage of the best pricing the market has to offer. Renovations are a great way for a homeowner to add lifestyle value while still living in the home and then cash value when considering a move. But your real estate agent will tell you that not all projects are equal, and not all contractors are up to the exacting standards you expect in the end result. Approaching the projects you are considering with a careful eye for professionalism and return on investment…

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    Housing,  Investing,  Real Estate General

    7 Tips for Getting into Real Estate Investment

    The real estate market is a fantastic place to continue expanding your portfolio and gain more returns along with it. Real estate is where many of the nation and the world’s richest investors make their primary earnings and it can serve the same function for you, too. If you’re considering getting into the real-estate game, here are some tips that can get you started on the right foot. 1. Begin with your needs. A great investment strategy begins by evaluating the outcomes you hope to achieve. If this is a monthly dividend type investment, then finding properties to rent is what you need. Otherwise, investing in properties to flip might…

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    Housing,  Lifestyle,  Real Estate General

    Your Ultimate Monthly Home Maintenance Checklist

    Keeping up with your home maintenance schedule is important to your home’s upkeep. Having a home maintenance checklist helps you stay on track with important home repairs, cleaning, and maintenance tasks. There are several monthly and seasonal maintenance tasks that need to be done to keep your home in prime condition. Take a look at the ultimate home maintenance checklist that every homeowner should follow. Fall Maintenance Checklist Fall is a season of dry weather and moderate temperatures, making it a perfect time to complete general maintenance projects. Starting with the exterior of your home, power-wash your windows and siding, clean window and door screens, repair or replace siding, and touch…

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    Real Estate General

    5 Need-to-Know Real Estate Investing Tips

    When it comes to investing, there’s a broad range of strategies to consider. As you choose the right option for you, there is a lot to think about. Not only is it important to understand how different investment vehicles work, but it’s also important to diversify your portfolio of investments in order to safeguard your assets and mitigate risk. One area of investment that many people don’t always consider is real estate investing. While real estate investments can seem a little offputting if you’re not a real estate agent, it’s actually possible to capitalize on real estate in a variety of ways as an investor and get monumental returns in…

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    Real Estate General

    5 Reasons to Visit Birmingham, Alabama

    Birmingham, Alabama is a unique place, to be sure. As the current largest city in Alabama, Birmingham is home to a variety of history, sights, and restaurants that will more than fill out the day of any sightseers that are interested in visiting. To help you plan out your trip to the area and learn what to expect, here are a few things to consider before you visit. The variety of activities you can partake in around the Birmingham area is rather remarkable. Birmingham has a number of parks to explore, in addition to a zoo and the local botanical gardens. Zoos, in particular, are great places to go for…

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    Tips That Will Help You Get Hired Fast

    The job market is ever-evolving and the criteria for employment changes periodically. Being employable requires you to stay ahead of the requirements. Not only that, but you also have to stay ahead of the competition. The three things employers lookout for the most are skill and culture fit, personality, and agility. Employers want people that can work effectively and also coordinate with their colleagues. They want people who are natural problem solvers, who have a positive attitude to work and display ingenuity. And finally, they want people who can handle pressure and unfamiliar circumstances—how people handle situations matter. Other qualities pique employers’ attention but these three are at the core.…

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    Housing,  Investing,  Real Estate General

    3 Things You Should Double-Check Before Investing in a New Piece of Property

    Investing in real estate can be a great way to have a steady income, as long as it’s done right. Like any business endeavor, there are risks that come with real estate investment—this is why anyone considering investing in a property should ensure their investment will be profitable. But before you start investing, there are a few things you need to check on to help make the process go smoother. The State Of The Market First and foremost, you need to check on the condition of the market you plan on investing in—if you have a specific town or city in mind, you need to do proper market research. Are…